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Fellow Travelers
A short description of my companions

Since I talk about them all the time (and entrust my life to them at times), I thought I'd tell you a bit more about my companions. I'll start with the strangest member of our party, Gim. Gim is very unusual (even for a gnome), though he has proven quite useful. While I don't understand his decision to live with no belongings, I must respect his abilities in battle. While he doesn't stand with weapons, Gim has saved my life more than once with his ability to heal. Even more amazing is his abillity to paralyze an opponent by merely touching him. His pet Kano has proven quite capable in combat, and the two of them together is a powerful combination. I just wish he'd learn to keep his mouth shut a little more (but he is a gnome after all).

Next is our human companion. While I don't know much of his history, or why he would want to wander the gnomish lands with a group of dwarfs, Sir Eoin Fitspatrick has proven to be a decent fighter. He is often brash and proud, boasting about the enemies he has slain (even if he was merely there while someone else slew his enemies). I don't mind this though, as I don't care about praises of men for my victories. As long as he refrains from referring to himself as the "Dragon Slayer" anymore I am willing to let him have the praise. He has proven himself in battle, though he has often chosen to stay behind and guard the wagon or a town while we head off to fight.

While I have found all to be loyal companions, I feel closest to Groehl and Rorrin (probably because they are dwarves from Citadel). Groehl is a cleric through and through. A devout worshiper of Throrn and very proud of it.Being a dwarf, Throrn has given him the ability to make something truly drinkable of water by turning it into ale. Like Gim, I owe my life on several occasions to Groehl, who has proven to be a very powerful healer. His power truly shined through in Brockbarrow hill against the undead. I am glad to have not only a companion, but also a friend in this dwarf cleric.

Rorrin is almost the exact opposite of his brother. Smaller, faster, a bit more street smart. While Rorrin doesn't show the willingness to stand toe to tow with an opponent, he has shown to be a rogue of some skill. Dodging behind an opponent and exposing weak points in his armor, he has shown quite an ability to strike down our enemies (even if I don't think this is the most honorable way to fight it has proven quite helpful). While Groehl is trusting and ready to charge off for a noble cause, Rorrin is much more suspicious. He wants more detail and seems a bit more paranoid. He has shown good abilities as a scout.

Lastly our most unexpected companion, Grizzlegast the Great. An ex-scholor of Lord Utrugal, Grizzlegast has proven quite knowledgeable about many things. I believe I feel much more of a companionship with Grizzlegast than my fellow travelers. Perhaps because he is the only other person (besides my master) I've found who I can converse with in Draconic. While I do not doubt he has his own agenda for accompanying us, he has proven to be loyal thus far, even nursing us back to health after a drinking contest gone wrong. He has driven our wagon for us through very foul weather without complaint. I do not fear he will doublecross us, however he may just be using us as protection from his former employer (seeing as he did escape from prison). No bother, as long as he is loyal to me I shall be loyal to him and protect him if the need arises.

Now you know a little more of my companions, I shall write you again soon. May the blessings of Shaelan be upon you and mother.

Your Son

From the journal of Lochlan

Contributor: Joseph Arnett