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Player's Guide Places People History Beliefs


Day 49 A Timely Reunion
Today we met a little gnome girl, Esmerelda, that our party once knew. We had met her many months ago and paid for her schooling as a favor to her family.

Now, here in Citadel she found us again and through her master we learned of an League which would be most profitable for us to join. It will cost us a small ammount of coin at the start, but the rewards will be worth it all.

Gimm has taken a fancy to religion, Rorrin has a secret meeting with someone he owes, Groehl seems most satisfied that the shard he carries is evil and the rest of us seem along for the adventure.

We prepare now to enter a place of great evil, what we will find there I do not know.

From the journal of Shimada Kambei

Contributor: Scott Brown