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Player's Guide Places People History Beliefs


Elves Exist!
The next morning the party set off deeper into the forbidden forest after a while and several attacks by savage animals, they came across a road. What was a road doing in the forbidden lands where, as the church taught, no one lived and no one was supposed to venture? Had the church lied? Was the forbidden land inhabited and if so by whom or what? The party continued traveling the day on the road heading, according to Alawan, north. On the road the party found what the man, named Malik, had been searching for, the remains of his two brothers and their companion. The bodies were ravaged and badly decomposed, one of which was tied to a pole in the center of the road. Also discovering a book, which Blake took, and the belongings of the people, which were returned to Malik. We camped that night a fair distance away from the pyres that Jerick had built to honor the dead. That night Dean was offered a deal by Blake. The deal was Dean would pay Blake to scribe the spells from the book that he had. Dean refused this deal as he had not much money and offered a counter deal. That he would allow Blake the use of his book to scribe, for use of the book he had recently found. Blake refused this. So the rivalry between Blake and Dean began. That night the party was again attacked by what seemed to be animals that were summoned by someone or something, but what had summoned those animals?

The next day before the party set off, an argument broke out between Dean and Blake. The argument started over the deal that was trying to be hammered out between the two. Then Blake called Dean “an apprentice” and Dean turning his back on Blake. SMACK! Dean was hit square in the back of the head with a rock. Al thoughts of magic drained from dean’s mind. He had made this one physical he cared not how big Blake was, Dean rushed him screaming, “How dare you!” Then Alawan was breaking up the scuffle that ensued. Many taunts and insults were thrown back and forth between the two and Dean finally had enough and tried to put Blake to sleep, instead putting Alawan to sleep. Then Jerick was their screaming at us to settle down, that something more important than our little squabble was about. Apparently while Danyelle was out scouting he had come across a person and had killed them. I rushed to see what Jerick spoke of and found a man, but not a man. It had chiseled features and elongated ears; Dean had heard about these beings from his studies in Lloleyn, It was an Elf! Blake seamed to think that it was “Just a disfigured human.” According to the Church these people did not exist. The church had been lying to the entire population of Selador! Why? What else had the church been lying about?

The next day we were attacked by a bear, during the fight Jerick’s hood was thrown from his head and revealed elongated ears as the elf. What was this? If these mythical creatures existed and Dean had been traveling with one, not even knowing it, what else had the church lied about? Why was the church hiding these things? At that point Dean realized that there was much that he had to learn about his art. Later that night in camp I was awakened by Alawan’s screaming, Were under Attack!” I sprang from my bed to find that my spell books were missing and that several of the elves where talking with Jerick in an odd language I had never heard. The elves spoke Common, but sparingly and always full of sarcastic commands, as if Dean were nothing more than a Common dog. The party was rounded up and taken back to the road and marched surrounded as prisoners. Half way through the day we stopped on the road and an elven wizard chanted an incantation parting an illusion that had us wandering in circles for a week. We were taken on a weeks travel and only one elf answered our questions, he was apparently half-human, and as it turned out so was Jerick. We were to be taken to the capitol of the Elven lands and audience with their king.

From the journal of Dean Selvarlas

Contributor: Andy Minegar