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Player's Guide Places People History Beliefs


Things Get Interesting.
I am really starting to hate goblins.
We set out for the Haversack Mine, after we figured out the directions. It was a bit of a walk, but we found em. As we tried to enter, ghim discovered a pit trap in front of the entrance, seems we came to the right place. Unfortunately I got careless and walked right into a trap with Lochlan, Having a few hundred pounds of stone fall on yer head does feel too good. Suprisingly Ghim proved his usefulness once again and healed my injuries with magic.

We entered the mine and walked till we found a fork in the cave. There were footprints in both directions, but Ghims wolf friend Kano smelled something to the left. We proceeded in that direction. After a while the cave narrowed down till we could only walk single file, very uncomfortable for our tall human friend. Lochlan took the lead.

We reach a lit room where we thought we were facing one goblin with a crossbow, but it turned out to be a kind of scarecrow. Goblins ambushed from under the beds with crossbows. It was a tough fight, Lochlan and Eoin took the worst of it but Groehly was able to heal them with his magic. Kano managed to kill a few, I took one, Eoin also took a goblin, and Locklin killed the rest. We found two chests in here containing a tidy sum of coin and a healing wand. There wasn't much else to see in this room except these goblins had rather new weapons and armor...perhaps part of the stolen shipment. I packed up all their gear, good thing too cause we were gonna need it. We backtracked to the fork in the cave and I volunteered to scout ahead. Great idea.

Down the cave I came to face a very large bug. It didnt seem to dangerous from the distance I was, so I approached closer. I noticed it had a rope tied to its neck that lead up through a hole above the door behind it. Well when I got close its antannae swung towards me and then it rushed at me. When it was right up on me it tried to take a bite out of me belt. This thing was the same size as me so I decided I better get some help and retreated back to my companions. Well to make a long story short we discovered too late that the bug had a thing for metal, and when its antannae hit a piece it rusted and dissolved it. Yeah well all in all Eoin and Groehl lost their armor, Groehl's shield, and Eoin's sword. We finally managed to kill it off. During the fight when the bug rushed us there came a cashing behind it like wood smashing. When the rope it was tied to snapped there was an even bigger crash. What now?

Turns out the bug was somehow part of the lift machine. Leave to goblins to employ a metal eating bug to work a lift. Well we climbed down, ghim and Kano took a nasty fall but Groehl took care of em. At the bottom we found the gnome's daughter a few more goblins, two of which were very skilled. I saw me life flash before me eyes more than once. Glad the others able to patch me up. We started to untie the gnome when something started to come out of the curtain in the back corner. Two rather large lizards came out and they didnt look like they wanted to play fetch. The attacked so we killed both. Turns out later they were Crested Drakes, Groehl says they are rare and valuebly but also very dangerous. Rare, dangerous, and two of em...I think we found what the hobgoblin was looking for, and then we killed em. We also found a chest of coin and a scroll in it. The scroll was in code so I decided I'd figure it out later.

We made our way out of the mine and camped for the night in the woods. I managed to decipher the scroll at our camp, and now things are getting interesting. The scroll read, "My master is intrigued by your offer. Come to Raven's Lake and I will seek you out." I have am pretty sure that this was from the hobgoblin, whats his name. Now who was making the deal with him? The gnome, the elf from the bar, or the goblins themselves. The scroll was in a gnomish code so Im leaning towards the gnome from the town, but he said this shipment was heading towards Topholme. Perhaps the gnomish code is merely a way to throw off anyone who does what I have done. In the morning I will talk to the others of this. But for now I need to sleep.

Associated Regions: Bhagda, Haversack Mine
From the journal of Rorrin

Contributor: Mark Hughes