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Our Journey Focuses
Journal 03 of the Heralds Of The Dawn.
Hiram called for a conference today between the different peoples of Selador, represented in the resistance movement. It seems no one is quite sure how we should continue; now that we finally know the gravity of the situation we are now confronted with. I still don’t completely understand what it is that is going on, but from the talking I hear it seems that quite possibly if the church continues its war with the elves, it may be too late for humans and elves to breach the growing gap between them. We need to somehow work with the elves, but to do that we need to uproot the power structure that the church has created. Until that is done, peace with the other races will be impossible, as the church is too close-minded to ever fully accept any other people as anything but demon-spawn.

It’s as if the institution has become more important than it’s guiding principles. All of us know that Aesia is a benevolent goddess, but the church treats a belief in her in the coldest, most harsh manner. From what Jerick tells me Aesia used to actually be an elf. How is it possible that a Church which follows a elven goddess could hate elves so much. If the priests and clerics truly speak to her, than how is it that they can be so closed-minded and hateful? But what it comes down to is when the Church of Aesia was formed, elves were not part of the equation, so therefore those who guide the church are unwilling to expand that equation to include anyone or anything that was not taken into account at the beginning. It seems ridicules that there should be a war at all.

What comes as the biggest surprise is that Jerick has informed us that the elves started war with Selador because a human murdered their king. Is it possible that the Church of Aesia sent one of their clerics or paladins to kill the king of the “demon-spawn?” This is all so confusing. We knew the church had been fighting the elves to purge their “evil,” but could they have caused the elves to attack simply as a rallying point to get the people of Selador to support the mass genocide of entire race. I knew the church was discriminate and hateful, but I don’t think anyone ever imaged that they would go to such lengths, simply to prove themselves right.
A man by the name of Daniel Verdain came forward today during the conference as the rightful heir to the Gideon Empire, if this is true, then this is good news indeed. Gideon was a kingdom in the southwest portion of Selador, whom until four years ago was a guiding light for freedom in this nation. They never once denied Aesia, but instead came forward and said that the church was perverting her view. They stood for the rights of not only their people, but of all people, seeing that there is good in everyone, but we need to allow ourselves to see that good and not be blinded by the shortsightedness of those who came before.

Four years ago, however, that all ended when mysteriously the royal family was all murdered, after which Gideon was absorbed into the Church’s control. No one is quite willing to admit it, for fear of the repercussions, but many believe that it was the church’s doing. I know I always have. Is it possible, that after all this time, finally someone has come to claim the throne of Gideon? If Gideon’s people can be once again rallied than, we may indeed stand a chance against the church. Let’s just hope that Daniel’s claim is a rightful one, if not than it will only serve to hurt the people’s already damaged hope.
For now though, it appears that I will be traveling with Daniel back to Gideon. It has been over a year since I have traveled to that side of Selador. It will be interesting to be at the forefront of such a momentous occasion. I know Jerick seems interested in this man Daniel, so true to my word I will protect Jerick and Daniel. We set out in the morning.


I’ve searched for the last several hours, but have been unable to locate Marrol. I wonder where she could have gotten to. Hopefully she didn’t travel to deep into the caves here. No one is quite sure how seep they go, as they are old mine shafts that haven’t been used in years. No one has been able to locate her since last night. It’s kind of funny that she disappeared just before Daniel arrived. I wonder if the two have anything to do with each other. But I guess for now, that is not my issue, we have more important things at had. Hopefully she is safe, but she will turn up eventually.

From the journal of Aldaric Verdain

Contributor: Drew Butler