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Player's Guide Places People History Beliefs


Reflections On A Dark Journey
For friends both here and gone.
We are returning home. This has been an adventure of loss and victory. I look back on our journey into the depths of the Underdark and remember all that happened. We set off to help a druid’s grove and began a quest to defend the safety of my homeland. The trip home has given me ample time to think of my comrades, of what we have done, what awaits us as defenders of Citadel, and what awaits me as I serve Throrn in my own quest. I will start with that last thought first.

Through out our journeys together I have come to understand and even admire Groehls beliefs. I dont share the idea that it is more honorable to meet situations head on and charge boldly in but I believe that the honor is in the victory and its nature. I will not sacrifice an innocent person to accomplish my goal but if I can succeed on my mission of good by cutting the throat of my enemy then I have won honor by defeating them. Battle does not begin when swords cross but when the individual has sworn his opposition to an enemy or ideal. I will give the honor I find to Throrn for he has watched over me and my companions. I will serve him though this is a fact I will not share with many. Just don’t ask me to go yelling “FOR THRORN” in the streets with my brother.

I cant say what awaits us in our quest to defend my home. We have found the being of earth, I can only assume we must find others who belong to the other three elements. I have a feeling they may not all be found in Citadel. I will equip myself as best I can to prepare, my experience with the undead and those thing called constructs have taught me there will be times that my skill will be disadvantaged and I must better prepare for those events. While we traveled Groehl, Tenedos, and a death priest argued for a while about the orb and some strange stone but I was busy taking stock of the equipment and our loot. Tenedos looks to me to support him but I have to say I know little of things magical and I though I have come to trust Tenedos to know his own skills these things are of a nature most of us know nothing about and I will support any decision I cannot understand. I would rather stand back and see if what Groehl, Derrinar, Gim, and Tenedos all can come up with.

Speaking of my friends, I think back on all we have accomplished and all we have lost. Kambei wherever you are I hope you are at piece. I didn’t get to know you very well, from the time I awoke on the Rose Pearl till the time of your death in the battle with Ivan. You were a skilled bowman and as good an elf as I have met. I also think of Jas who met his end on the Island of Baratoria fighting the skum. I swear till the day I die I will kill every evil aberration I find. Jas you were strong warrior and a stalwart companion, I wish you could have been with us when we killed the aboliths in their lair. I hope you find rest in the life after this.

As for the rest of us, we have ventured deep into depths of the Underdark. We have faced horrors and monstrosities no one should have to face. We have bled together and fought side by side. Each of my comrades has their own unique skills and ways of facing dangers, and I believe it is because of all of us we have survived.

Peak Hunter, a strange mix of sudden recklessness and careful consideration, I at first judged him to be another loud and clumsy fighter who would only get my way. Im glad that first impression was wrong, he has proven his worth with his more careful actions and skilled archery.

Tenedos, the cunning and skilled wizard, his quick thinking and arcane knowledge has given us an edge in our adventures. His knowledge has been a great aide in our journies but sometimes his want for knowledge can cause problems. He is an asset to our company and I hope his drive for learning does not cause issues among others.

Gim, a little gnome with a big heart, he has defended us time after time and has even saved my life recently. I owe the little fellow for that. He asks nothing of himself and gives his share of the gold to the poor and helpless. He may not look like much but he is full of surprises. I really need to find a way to reward him for his actions.

I have yet to truly understand Derrinar. Through his use of his druidic powers I have realized he holds great power in his hands. Since awakening on the Rose Pearl I learn more about him a little at a time. I wont make the same mistake with Derrinar that I did with Kambei, and I need to learn more of him, especially since the recent visit with Lochlan.

Rurik is still an unknown to me. Since meeting him in the Flayers layer he has shown himself to be a honor bound dwarf. I have little experience with knight but he seems a trust worthy fellow and I think he will be a great asset to our company.

The Sergeant…you know I don’t event know his real name. He has only ever given me a rank to call him by. I dont think this is any sort of unfriendliness but merely a habit of being called by his rank. He is a force of destruction when his rage takes him. Im glad he is on our side.

Groehl, my brother I have criticized your beliefs since we set out to investigate those bandits together, but now I feel them slowly becoming my own. I see the glory in victory though my view on honor is much different than your own. I will learn to see the wisdom of you view of things, I only hope you can see the cunning in mine.

I recount my comrades here because we have been through journey that I wish to never forget and I want to record my thought on everything at this moment. I will look back on these journals one day and remember these days of victory and battle. Perhaps if I ever meet up with Lochlan again I can share with him our adventures, I hope hes enjoy that cactus juice.

Associated Regions: Underdark, Citadel
From the journal of Rorrin

Contributor: Mark Hughes